Champion Compassion When You Reopen Your Business

As states ease lockdown restrictions, restaurants, shops, salons, and other businesses reopen. Of course, recuperating losses is a priority for many companies. But post-lockdown also offers a genuine opportunity for brands to reflect on their role in their consumers’ lives.

Through responsible marketing and consistent messaging, you can reach out and ease your customers’ concerns and fears. Don’t merely reopen a business but be part of the community recovery.

Offer genuine empathy and add real value

Before the pandemic, marketing often focused on capturing attention and engaging audience online. Today, you should still engage your audience, but you need to emphasize how you can offer relief and add value to your customers’ lives. Put the needs of your employees and consumers first. Show that through your social media posts and everyday operations. Your bottom line may take further hit, but your business will likely come out stronger after the pandemic with the growing support of your community.

Use language and anecdotes wisely

Every CMO for digital marketing knows the importance of marketing language, especially in a time of crisis. Before posting any new content, clarify the message you want to disseminate. Then, avoid visuals or anecdotes that may leave a bad taste in the mouth, even if they can efficiently convey your message.

For instance, posting anecdotes about your workers’ daily struggles amidst the pandemic may look like you’re honoring them. But consumers may read that in a different light—that you don’t take care of your people. Using figures of speech that suggest close interaction like “work hand in hand” may not also fare well.

Address pain points whenever possible

The last thing you want is to be perceived as cold and out of touch. So, make sure to ease your customers’ concerns and address their pain points whenever possible. You can create infographics that outline the structure and support you provide for your consumers in these trying times. Be inclusive, as well. Older people who weren’t used to technology and the Internet now have to get all their supplies online. Make the process convenient for them by offering a dedicated phone line or reaching out to them first.

Stay well-informed and optimistic


team communicating

As the world learns new things about the pandemic every day, you should continue to be well-informed. You don’t want to find your brand page on Facebook sharing outdated or, worse, fake news. Also, stay optimistic. You may continue to let your consumers know the impact of the pandemic, but ensure you are not fanning the flames of panic. In this hour of need, you have to connect more with people but keep the core of your brand values in mind.

You can’t take the pandemic situation as business as usual. But you can use it as an opportunity to make a difference and help reshape your community. So, keep your communication channels open, stay responsible in your marketing, and be consistent with championing compassion. In today’s world full of uncertainties, the mere consistency of your brand can bring that much-needed comfort to others.

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