Effectively Maintaining Business Continuity During Trying Times

We are currently living in tumultuous times. However, with the world’s current situation, many profit and non-profit organisations are clamouring for ways to minimise the damage from having a business being disrupted by sudden changes in the market.

While some organisations have now migrated towards a digital setup, many still don’t have the luxury of migrating online. Business continuity and keeping facilities in an operational condition are just some of the things that many non-profit and business organisations have been working towards.

But what are some essential things that you need to consider? Here’s what to know.

Taking in a Methodical Approach

We live in a society that values the use of data and information. Every day, businesses and organisations alike are gathering information about their target demographic, researching new products, and outlining new plans through the use of data. This makes it one of the most valuable resources one can use in the modern world. Naturally, this will help draw up plans and strategies, but this can also reduce the risk of making risky decisions that might cause problems to the organisation in the long run.

This is one reason analytics and having a data-driven approach to collecting and handling data is essential in this day and age. When enough data is being gathered, this can help mitigate the risk of business interruption since there’s already a plan in place in case there is a problem.

In addition to effective crisis management, data and information can also help spot weaknesses in the organisation. For example, is the logistics department struggling? What is the absenteeism rate? What are some important ways of allowing members of the organisation? These are just some questions that are generally answered by taking up a more systematic approach.

Strengthening Security

One of the most critical factors that you need to consider when it comes to business continuity is security. Whether protecting sensitive personal information or ensuring that everyone in the organisation is safe and healthy, security will play a role in keeping profit and non-profit organisations safe.

Although most businesses and organisations are well-meaning, many malicious individuals will also take advantage of security weaknesses to obtain information, steal, and shoplift. In fact, recent studies in Australia have shown that many local retail businesses have lost around 57% of revenue from shoplifting and theft. This is known for being a problem in Australia, but this is also widely prevalent worldwide.

One of the best ways of addressing security concerns for commercial establishments and almost any type of structure is through prevention and a more proactive role in deterring crime before it happens. Fortunately, you won’t have to look anywhere else since high-quality commercial CCTV systems are an effective deterrent against criminals and fraudulent individuals. However, when it comes to safety and security, one can’t emphasise this aspect.

installing cctv

Engaging Your Team

Another essential strategy for keeping employees motivated and much of the workforce productive is by engaging them. This is especially true for most employees currently working from home due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

One good way of engaging employees is by checking on them regularly through training sessions. Most would also suggest incentivising and recognising employees’ hard work since this can also motivate others to be even more productive.


Last but not least, one of the most important parts of maintaining business continuity is ensuring that there’s a clear line of communication between you and your employees and between you and your customers. Maintaining a two-way form of communication is essential in engaging customers and potential clients.

Even when most of your workforce is just working from home, communication will help flesh out problems and maximise productivity during daily operations. Communication and transparency are also crucial in handling crises, and the workforce will look towards you for guidance during troubling times.

That said, transparency is an integral part of preventing any more future issues from arising. This will also help generate feedback, which is needed in adjusting the performance of different members in the organisation. That said, communication can help maintain business continuity by making the organisation quick on its feet.

Maintaining business continuity during tumultuous and uncertain times can be daunting and challenging at first. But adapting quickly and reading the ebb and flow of the market makes it more manageable to maintain business operations. Still, it’s essential to consider investing in security, keeping much of your team engaged, and taking a data-driven approach can keep your business in a functional condition.

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