Going Global: Finding a Career in International Schools

Being in the field of education, whether you are a teacher or someone holding an administrative-related position, is exciting. You get to broaden your network, and you get the opportunity to become part of another person’s life through teaching and guiding them. If you want to advance your career in this discipline, you may consider getting into the world of international schools. This may sound intimidating at first, especially if you have been in the local, public sector for a long time. But if you have a goal and you are more than sure to achieve it, you should start planning your move.

Finding international school careers in the Philippines should not be difficult, as many institutions accept applicants. If you do not know where to start when it comes to achieving your dreams, you have the right manual to guide you. Here are some of the things that you should be taking into account.

Build your network first

You may find it hard to get a job opportunity inside the industry if you do not have a contact there. This is why you should invest in building connections early on. If you have a friend who has a job in an international school, you may rekindle your connections with them. Try to gauge what it’s like to work in such an institution. You may ask about how their day goes and how they have managed to secure the job. You ought to attend educational conferences and seminars so that you will get to meet people studying from an international school.

Know your strengths

Certain international schools are pretty specific to the skills they are looking for. They are looking for teachers or applicants that have a skill or personality that stand out. With this in mind, you should be aware of the strengths that you have. When explaining your strengths, you need to tell your prospective employer how you can use them in an international school setting.

Nail the interview

woman shaking the hand of the interviewerThe interview can be a tough one, especially that international schools have high standards, and they need to set up filters that will allow them to gauge their applicants’ skills. The key to nailing the interview is through constant practice. You should start sounding confident but not too much. You can ask some of your friends to initiate a mock interview where you answer possible interview questions.

Learn to negotiate

Once you have passed the interviews with flying colours, you will surely be given an offer. But make sure that the salary package meets your expectations. Otherwise, you need to negotiate. If you are not adept at it, you ought to start practicing it. There are some training videos online that you can watch.

Finding a career in the international education arena can be challenging, knowing that the competition can be tough and cutthroat. If you want to increase your chances of getting hired, you should know what you are up to, which means you should start doing your research.

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