Red Flags Truck Drivers Should Notice on Their Employers

Truck drivers are essential to the economy. They move various goods from one place to another, essentially allowing manufacturers to profit and retail stores to operate. Their job has some tempting perks, too, such as being able to travel, work for varying hours, and enjoy a good playlist while on the road.

But more often than not, truck driving is an exhausting and tedious job, not to mention risky. For one, truck drivers are pressured to deliver goods on a certain time daily, or they may face consequences. This forces them to drive faster, disregarding traffic rules for the sake of their company’s merit.

Things and situations that are out of the drivers’ control affect their happiness, health, and performance, too. Bad road conditions, for example, put them at risk of accidents, potentially fatal ones. Apathetic bosses are a major problem as well, choosing not to heed their drivers’ concerns instead of putting them into consideration.

So if you’re venturing into truck driving for the first time, you have to be careful in choosing an employer. Here are the signs of an apathetic fleet company:

1. They Pressure Drivers Relentlessly to Make Deliveries

There is pressure in every job, and they’re not always a bad thing. However, bosses putting pressure on a worker solely for their own benefit is downright unethical. Most of the time, overbearing bosses don’t consider their driver’s safety and health when giving them instructions. They set unrealistic goals for them, forcing them to be completed even at the costs of risks.

While it’s important for goods to be delivered on time, the pressure on the drivers must be reasonable. If they’re already sick, then they should be allowed a day off. But in some cases, even unwell drivers are being forced to come to work, causing them to perform poorly.

2. Their Fleet is Poorly Maintained

Truck drivers have a keen eye for the beasts they’re driving. But it’s pretty common for their employers to ignore their alerts about truck maintenance issues. Hence, a lot of semi-truck drivers just shrug it off and settle for their poorly-maintained vehicles. But you don’t have to do the same.

If you’ve found out that your prospective employer doesn’t care about common breakages such as leaks, sensor problems, or engine failure, then flee and find another one, because what if the damage in question is in the brakes?

truck driver using radio

3. They Ignore Their Drivers’ Unhealthy Stress Levels

Everybody gets stressed at work, but if office employees are encouraged to leave on time to relieve stress, then there’s no reason for truck drivers to be refused the same privilege. The nature of their job may be different from that of a clerk, accountant, or CEO, but the efforts they exert every day are extraordinary.

Stress and fatigue are major factors in a driver’s mental well-being. They’re not only caused by their jobs, but also by personal issues or poor work-life balance. In their jobs, however, the unrealistic delivery schedules, traffic congestion, and the behavior of other drivers are the biggest stressors.

When they — or anyone, for that matter — are highly stressed, their sleep will be affected, causing them constant fatigue that may increase their risks of vehicular accidents.

Hence, ask your prospective employer if they offer the following:

  • Support services for their stressed-out drivers
  • Opportunities for exercise
  • Opportunities for ample social interactions
  • Consideration for drivers suffering from isolation and loneliness
  • Work practices that decrease stress and anxiety
  • Pay rates and structures that help alleviate fatigue
  • Values that align with their drivers’

If your prospective employer plainly doesn’t acknowledge fatigue and stress issues, then throw them out of your options.

4. They Overload Trucks

Unfortunately, many shipping companies around the world overload their fleet to save costs and time. Sure enough, the more goods you deliver in a single trip, the less return journeys you’ll have to make. But overloading is gravely dangerous for drivers, as it could cause them to lose control of the truck and put other motorists at risk.

The worst overloaded truck accidents are all over the internet, and it’s sickeningly dreadful and devastating to watch them. So ensure that your prospective employer gives mandatory weight checks, otherwise, you could be in danger anytime.

5. They Disregard Health Problems

Truck drivers suffer a lot of health problems, the most common being obesity, lung cancer, and obstructive sleep apnea. The demands of their job force them to adopt unhealthy habits, such as consuming too much fast-food and smoking, both of which can cause their airways to get blocked as they sleep.

It is crucial for employers to recognize the health issues plaguing their drivers. By asking about the things listed above, you’ll find out whether your prospective employer values their employees’ health.

If you’re already working for a certain company that disregards your well-being and safety concerns, you can file a complaint to a trustworthy truck labor lawyer. All hard-working truck drivers deserve to be heard, so don’t let your concerns be invalidated.

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