The Different Lawyers You May Need in Your Life

When you encounter legal trouble, the first thing you need to do is to contact a lawyer. However, what kind of lawyer do you need? There are different kinds of lawyers who each offer specific expertise. Here are some of the lawyers that you might need throughout your life:

Criminal Lawyer

When you think of a lawyer, you probably imagine a criminal lawyer. They are the ones you call when an individual or an organization has been charged with a crime. If you are in Long Island, a criminal lawyer is ready to defend you in court and uphold your rights. Contact a criminal lawyer if you or a loved one need help when you encounter issues related to posting bail, plea bargain, appeal, and trial. They handle a range of offenses, from violent crimes to fraud.

Personal Injury Lawyer

Got hurt due to a car crash? You can hold the other party responsible for the guidance of a personal injury lawyer. Your personal injury lawyer will be able to get you the compensation you rightly deserve. For example, you lost your source of income while you recuperate from the injuries you procured from the accident, you need to call a personal injury lawyer.

Family Lawyer

Family Lawyer

No couple wants to get divorced. However, when the relationship does not make you happy anymore and you have tried your best to address the issues that you and your partner have to no avail, you consult a family lawyer.

A family lawyer can mediate between you and your partner to talk about factors like child custody and support or division of assets. They will guide you as you try to navigate the process of legal separation. They can also represent you in court if you want full custody of your child (or children) or if you have experienced domestic abuse under the hands of your partner.

Tax Lawyer

You do not want to cross the Internal Revenue Services (IRS), but, if you do, a tax lawyer is someone who you should immediately talk to. Sometimes, even if you do not intend, you can make a mistake that leads to an audit that results in an expensive penalty or fine.

If you are under investigation and you want an independent review of your case, you want an experienced tax lawyer beside you when you face the U.S. Tax Court. If you are in the process of starting a business, you should also consult a tax lawyer to inform you about the tax and non-tax issues you might encounter.

Bankruptcy Lawyer

You are facing serious financial problems and you are considering filing for bankruptcy. If you do not know where to start, talk to a bankruptcy lawyer. You do not exactly need an attorney, but having one will ease the process and make sure that you get all the benefits that will be available to you.

General Practice Lawyer

Not all lawyers specialize in just one field. Some accept a wide range of cases, from family law to criminal law. Lawyers are not really required to have a specialty; anyone of them can represent you in court whether you are suing due to an accident or personal injury or filing for bankruptcy. Those who specialize, however, have extensive knowledge and experience in their chosen field.

There are many different kinds of lawyers practicing in the United States. If you have a legal issue at hand, you should contact any legal representative around you. Most law offices usually offer a free first consultation in order to advise potential clients on how to proceed.

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