What to Keep in Mind When Taking Care of Your Singing Voice

Being a singer not only allows you to make everyone happy, but it also lets you express yourself. It is your art, and one of your goals is for everyone to appreciate it. Your voice is your paintbrush and canvas. However, you know too well that vocal strains and similar problems sometimes happen. They can even affect your performance. You have to understand that your voice, just like a musical instrument, also needs rest and upkeep.

It’s surprising that many singers are actually pushing themselves to the limit. If you are always doing it, you are basically abusing your vocal cords. Properly taking care of your vocal cords has a lot of benefits. For one, it will allow you to explore and execute your full range.

If you care enough for your vocal cords, you can only expect that they will serve you for a long, long time. Whether you are an amateur singer or someone taking singing lessons in Las Vegas, here are some of the things you need to keep in mind:

Always warm-up

Your body needs some warm-ups before it gets into the sports action. Otherwise, it will sustain damage and injuries. The same principle also applies to your voice. Warming up may mean following the notes and tunes of the piano. You can also move to humming and rolling your tongues. After any performance, it would be also wise to cool down your voice.

Drink lots of water

Drinking water should always be a priority. Dry vocal cords may become irritated. And when they are irritated, they might get damaged. One way of moistening your vocal cords is through drinking water. Always keep a bottle or canteen of water with you every rehearsal or audition. However, you may want to avoid cold water. Keep it warm as much as possible. If you want, prepare some herbal teas, but do not consume it when it is too hot.

Give your vocal cords a rest

After a long performance or practice, your vocal cords may become strained and tired. And the best that you can do is by giving your voice a rest. If your vocal cords start to hurt, do not sing. Vocal naps, such as keeping yourself from singing or speaking for quite some time, can help a lot.

Avoid bad habits

Some bad habits can easily damage your vocal cords, so you must avoid them. Smoking and exposing yourself to smoke and irritants can do a lot of damage to your vocal cords. Drinking too much alcohol may have the same effect. When singing, you need to avoid singing through your throat.

You may have a great singing voice, but you have to understand that your vocal cords are not invincible. Depending on how you use them, your vocal cords are always susceptible to stress, strains, and damages. If you do not take care of them properly, you may lose your range and your performance may suffer. Working with a vocal coach will also help you.

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