Why Is Your Business Suffering from Data Breaches?

If your business fell victim to a data breach once, that’s completely understandable. We all make mistakes. If a data breach happens twice, you can strengthen your data protection measures better. But if it happens more than twice, that’s on you. It’s a failure on the company’s side not to protect the data of its employees and clients. Not only are you jeopardizing the important information you have collected, but you are also losing the trust of your workers and customers.

Many companies offer file server solutions. You can listen to their pitches and choose the best solution for your data-breach predicament. But you must first find out why this happens to you. Knowing the reasons you repeatedly fall victim to a data breach will help you find the right solution.

Human Error

Surveys showed that four out of the five leading causes of data breach happened because of human error. Some examples are loss or theft of paperwork, loss or theft of an unencrypted device, data posted incorrectly, data sent to the wrong recipient, and insecure web pages. The last one falls under human error because it is the business owner’s responsibility to secure the company’s website.

That’s why businesses must invest in the training of their staff regarding data security. They should learn how to create a strong password. They should know how to back up files. They should be trained not to bring important data out of the office. They should have data protection tools in their home computers and phones if they are to access sensitive company data remotely.


This is used for many purposes. Criminals use malware to collect sensitive information such as your passwords and your clients’ financial information. Keyloggers are another type of malware used by cybercriminals to track the keys struck on a keyboard. From here, they can capture any information you type on your computer. The worst part about malware is that you don’t even know it is working on your computer. You will continue doing what you’re doing, while others are capturing all the information you put in.


Criminal hacking is differentiated from malware. This is when cybercriminals, who are adept at computer coding, change the coding of your computer to extract information. Hacking also involves stealing credentials right from your employees. They also buy information from the dark web. They will use these credentials to get into your system, collect files, and change passwords so that you cannot access the system.


Your employees can receive emails that look legitimately from you. That email could be asking for financial information that the criminals can use against your company. They can use the credentials to collect information about your account. Phishing doesn’t only happen by email. These criminals can also use the phone, text message, or links on websites.

An organization needs to cultivate a culture of securing data and information. Training your staff is the arsenal you need against these cybercriminals. Your investment in their knowledge of how to keep data secure will pay off in the long run.

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