Wronged by the Company: What You Should Do

  • Feelings of stress, anxiety, anger, betrayal, and a lack of control are caused by wrongful termination.
  • Financial difficulties can result from wrongful termination, such as difficulty paying rent or mortgage payments.
  • Document communication and interactions regarding your job before termination to prove wrongful dismissal.
  • Seek professional help from a lawyer specializing in employment law to protect your rights and ensure justice.
  • Network with other victims of the same company for support when initiating a class action lawsuit.

Being wrongfully terminated can be a daunting and challenging experience for many employees. It can cause feelings of stress, anxiety, anger, betrayal, and a lack of control.

The emotional pain caused by this kind of situation is real and can impact an individual’s physical, emotional, and mental health. According to a study by the American Psychological Association, nearly two-thirds of workers who experienced wrongful termination reported experiencing significant psychological distress. This included depression, difficulty sleeping, decreased self-esteem, increased stress, and increased anxiety. They also reported feeling isolated from their friends and family due to shame or embarrassment.

In addition to the psychological damage caused by wrongful termination, it can also wreak havoc on an employee’s finances. A survey by CareerBuilder showed that 45% of wrongfully terminated respondents said they faced financial difficulties due to their termination. These difficulties ranged from being unable to cover day-to-day expenses to difficulty paying rent or mortgage payments. Respondents even declared bankruptcy due to the financial strain caused by the wrongful termination.

If you are wrongfully terminated, you might have to take legal action to get the justice you deserve. Knowing your rights and the steps to stand up for yourself is essential. Here are some things to consider when dealing with a wrongful termination situation:

Document Everything

Securing wrongful termination documentation

Documenting everything is essential when it comes to proving wrongful termination. Having detailed, accurate records of your employment experience can help back up any claims you may have and ensure that your case is taken seriously. Below are some examples of evidence that could be useful in proving wrongful termination:

Written Communication

Written communication between the employee and the employer can provide valuable information in the case of wrongful termination. Email exchanges, memos, notes from meetings, or performance reviews may contain evidence of any warnings or disciplinary actions taken against the employee. This type of communication should be preserved and provided to show how the employee was treated before their termination.


Having witnesses to back up any allegations you make can make a big difference in your case. These could be other employees present during any interactions related to your job or conversations about why you were terminated. They can provide reliable testimony as to what happened and corroborate any claims you might have against your former employer.

Paystubs and Tax Documents

Paystubs and tax documents can serve as tangible proof of your employment with the company and provide information on wages paid and deductions made for taxes, Social Security, etc. These documents are essential for providing evidence of how much money you earned while employed at the company and can help support accusations regarding wage discrepancies or unfair compensation practices.

HR Records

Human Resources records can provide a comprehensive look into an employee’s career at a company, including performance reviews, training records, promotion & demotion records, benefits packages offered, etc. These types of documents are often kept confidential. Still, they may be requested by an attorney in cases such as these to gain insight into an employee’s time with the company and any potential issues or grievances filed against them during their tenure there.

Get Professional Help

Getting professional help for wrongful termination

When facing wrongful termination, it is essential to consider consulting with a lawyer. An attorney specializing in employment law can help protect your rights and ensure you receive the justice you deserve. A good lawyer will be able to review the circumstances of your case and provide critical legal advice to help ensure that your best interests are protected.

With an experienced lawyer, you are more likely to get a successful outcome. An attorney can provide important information on labor laws and regulations that could benefit your case and guide you through filing a lawsuit or taking other legal action against your employer. In addition, they can advise on how best to negotiate severance packages or settlement agreements if necessary.

In addition, hiring a lawyer gives you an extra layer of protection against potential retaliation from employers. It also ensures that all communications between yourself and your former employer remain confidential and do not become public knowledge. This can be very important for employees concerned about their reputation or future job prospects after being wrongfully terminated.

Gather Support

When dealing with wrongful termination, it’s important to remember that you are not alone. Seeking out individuals who have experienced the same issues can be an effective support form. It’s beneficial to connect with others the same company has wronged, as they will likely understand your situation and provide valuable insight and advice.

By networking with others in a similar position, you may be able to identify patterns or trends which could suggest that the company is engaging in unethical practices or violating employment laws. This evidence can strengthen your case if you initiate legal proceedings against the employer. It can also be beneficial for gaining public support for your cause.

Gathering support from those wrongfully terminated by the same company is especially important if you plan on initiating a class action lawsuit. Under such a lawsuit, employees join together to take legal action against their employer. Collecting stories from other victims of wrongful termination can help solidify your case and bolster your efforts when taking legal action against the company.

It’s also essential to seek professional help and representation when confronting this issue. A class action mediator can help guide and inform individuals about their rights and what they need to do to take meaningful action against an employer who has wronged them.

Final Thoughts

No one should ever have to face wrongful termination. It can be an intimidating and overwhelming experience, but by understanding your rights and taking the proper steps, you can ensure that justice is served. Remember that you are not alone in this battle. Many resources are available to help you navigate this difficult situation and find the strength to fight for what’s right.

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