3 Hobbies You Can Do with Your Child

With schools and daycare centers closed, and parents working from home, raising children just became more challenging. Between work, homeschooling, and household chores, parents also have to plan educational activities for their children to keep them occupied. However, nobody wants to be that parent who gives their kids free rein over the computer or television. According to a JAMA Pediatrics study, too much screen time can impair a child’s communication and problem-solving skills.

Toys and other tools of entertainment ward off long stretches of boredom, but the right hobby can help teach life skills, passion, and independence in children. Children get to learn more about the world and themselves through the things they do, whether it’s art, sports, or voice lessons.

If you’re exploring activity ideas for children, you’ve come to the right place. Here are a few child-friendly hobbies you might want to check out:

1. Painting

Every child has a hidden artistic streak, and it’s your job to bring it to light. Crayons are incredibly useful, but you can it one step further by teaching them how to paint. Giving them the right tools to express themselves through painting can help build intelligence, creativity, and confidence.

Paint can be messy, though, so you might want to prepare an outdoor corner for painting. Bring a plastic table and chairs outdoors and cover it with a sheet of plastic. You’ll also need some paintbrushes, paper, a cup of water for rinsing, and an assortment of watercolors or acrylic paint. Don’t go for the expensive stuff as your child won’t know the difference.


2. Gardening

Another great activity for kids is gardening. There’s nothing like seeing your hard work grow from seedlings to grown plants, and your children will surely feel the same. It can also instill calmness, responsibility, and a love for all things green and natural.

You don’t need a big backyard to take up gardening as a hobby. Even a few potted plants indoor can be as fun and educational. You can teach your kids where fruits and vegetables come from, and give them a finer appreciation for natural produce.

Plants that you can grow include beans and lentils. Just place the seeds between sheets of tissue paper on a planter. Sprinkle it with a bit of water every day, and you’ll have a mini-garden in no time.

3. Cooking

Everyone needs to learn how to cook, so you better take advantage of your child’s natural curiosity to teach them the ways of the kitchen. Who knows? Maybe your child will grow up to become a famous chef.

Start with basic cooking techniques such as sprinkling, mixing, and pouring that your kids can do with minimal supervision. Save the knife or scissors until they’re a bit older. You can have your kid help you with dinner prep and get them involved when you’re baking cookies or brownies.

Music and sports are always a popular option, but sometimes our kids want something different. Hobbies such as painting, gardening, and cooking are fun, educational, and impart life skills that will help them become better people when they grow up.

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