Speedier Service: Suggestions for Making Your Business Website Faster

We know that it’s important to have a website or blog that looks great and fresh. However, even with the recent improvements in internet speed, there are still people who can’t access that. Also, your site’s structure may be the one holding the loading times back. That’s why you should still make it a point to keep your online presence streamlined and easy to load. Here are helpful suggestions for you to consider.

Get Help if Needed

Managing and developing a website by yourself, even just a simple blog, is possible for anyone nowadays. But since not everyone has their expertise in it, there may be more efficient processes that are overlooked. For example, it can be handy to run a website on WordPress, but hiring an outsourcing company that specializes in WordPress can give you a more streamlined result than doing it yourself. They’re more familiar with using it and know of the different techniques that can be used to minimize clutter.

Weigh Server Speed as a Factor

Your website’s loading speed is not only limited by what you put in it, but also by what you build it on. If your server is slow to begin with, then there’s not much choice for you but to be held back by that speed, or lack of it. Even before you start building your site, you need to choose the best “location” possible. It will also help if its distance from your customers and your business itself is close. Even signals need some time to travel, and the shorter the length they have to cover, the less time they take to do so.

Take Away the Excess Structure

Imagine yourself as a runner. If you have too much weight on you, then you’ll likely be slower than someone who has less, given the same amount of strength. It’s the same with your website. Often, one of the things that can slow your website and its development down is having too much of certain aspects, such as code or plugins. Take a look at what may be redundant, what you don’t actually need, or what you can replace with a lighter alternative that does the same thing. And when you’ve determined those, remove them.

Be Creative with Words

woman wearing glasses

One of the easiest ways to make your website lighter is becoming more creative with text. After all, most of the information that you’re going to convey is through the words that you put into the site. Images are mostly there to support what the text is about. When you’re putting in the words and planning out their layout, consider size, colors, and fonts. Often, these are easier to change and faster to load than using a lot of images. It also prevents clutter and improves readability and navigation.

Making your website faster may not sound as exciting to you as styling it to look great, but it will certainly help more people get to see what you have to offer. Once you get to removing the unnecessary parts of your site, you’ll realize that there are elements that you don’t need. You’ll also be surprised at what more you can do with so much less.

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