Can You Pay Your Lawyer in Instalments?

Litigation fees can be quite expensive no matter where you are in the UK. Since very few people stash away emergency litigation funds, it boils down to making payment plans with the attorney who is defending you. The good thing is most lawyers agree on regular instalment payments and will represent you fully as long you honour the agreement.

A good family lawyer in London, for instance, will not only take care of all your family cases but also let you settle bills in the most flexible way possible. But first, you must understand the two main categories of lawyers, how they charge and why they charge so.

Contingency Fee Driven Lawyers

Lawyers helping you with a case that involves some form of a settlement may charge you on a contingency basis such cases include:

  • Personal injury cases
  • Malpractice lawsuits
  • Defamation or character assassination

When dealing with such a case, you don’t have to make any lawyer fee payment upfront since the attorney will get a fraction of the settlement you’ll receive after winning the case. The lawyer stays motivated throughout the case since they know the higher the settlement you get, the higher they earn.

You will, however, still have to pay for court fees and other filing costs along the way. If you can’t afford to cover these costs, some legal agencies may offer to pay up and deduct the bill from the settlement amount at the end of the case.

Fixed Representation Costs

payment planCases that don’t involve any financial settlement such as criminal defence or civil cases have a fixed price tag. The lawyer expects you to make a down payment before starting to represent you and sets a payment plan for the balance.

Lawyers who belong to this category include:

  • Criminal defence lawyers
  • Immigration lawyers
  • Family lawyers
  • Estate attorneys

How Much Should You Expect to be Billed?

It can be difficult to figure out how much your lawyer will charge you. Many lawyers change their fees depending on the complexity of the case, availability of evidence and your own financial standing. To ensure you get a fair deal, it would be wise to hire your family lawyer who may charge lower fees since you are likely to bring return business.

A family lawyer helps you with regular legal filings and representation in court but might refer you to other specialist lawyers when need there be. This family lawyer may help you negotiate the best deal possible, hence saving you the pain of having to figure out how much or what payment plan you should use for your new solicitor or barrister.

Before hiring a lawyer, take the time to understand the different payment options. This does not only prepare you psychologically but also let you set your finances right in preparation for any outcome. If you can, negotiate a favourable payment plan. Hire a lawyer who will represent your case well on the court without causing drastic financial problems to you.

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