Business Matters

Culturally Diverse Young Adult (YA) Novels to Include in Any School’s Reading List

Singapore is one of the lucky ones when it comes to cultural diversity. This country’s character is deeply rooted in its multiracial, multicultural, and multireligious history. Today, about 75 percent of its population is composed of the Chinese. But about 13 percent is composed of the Malay, nine percent are the Indian, and the remaining

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thank you for shopping local sign

Support Your Local Grocer: Helping Struggling Businesses during the Pandemic

COVID-19 hit everyone hard. It has completely turned around how we do things so much that we can’t keep doing them the same way we used to. From going to work to the way we shopped, everything has been uprooted, and we’re forced to find new ways to do them. Among the businesses that were

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business meeting

How to Keep Your Customers Safe amid a Pandemic

Many location-based businesses closed up shop because of the pandemic. According to Yelp data, by August last year, business closures peaked at 132,580. Sixty percent of those closures, or 97,966 stores, permanently ceased operations due to the pandemic. And that’s in the United States alone. If data from around the world were factored into the equation,

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Technologies Used For Barcode Scanning

One of the critical machines for financial and procurement applications are barcode scanners. Barcodes denote the machine-readable data that keeps track of consignments, manages financial documents and prices retail items. The scanners also handle a broad range of coded data provided it can be decoded into barcode symbology. There are different barcode reader types used

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loan document

Overcoming Financial Struggles through Proper Cash Flow Management for Your Business

Running a business in today’s fast-paced society can be challenging, especially if you aim to start a brand in a competitive industry. Whether you are running a startup company or a small brand, you have to develop a robust plan to ensure your company succeeds. Without proper planning, your business is bound to meet major

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team learning

Improving Business Processes: 6 Ways to Streamline Operations

Boosting business processes is an excellent way of increasing company value. As a company grows, everything gradually becomes more complex, meaning operations can become complicated, varied, and challenging to control, adding costs and risks to the business. However, to continue growing and ensuring long-term success, every business needs to evaluate and continuously improve these processes.

Improving Business Processes: 6 Ways to Streamline Operations Continue

client and agent

Co-ownership Disputes Are Avoidable, Here’s How

Buying a property is an important decision. There are many factors to consider, from valuation to investment opportunities. Many people thinking of earning from a property, especially first-time buyers, will lean towards co-ownership. Co-ownership gives them advantages like affordable mortgage, low down payments, and low maintenance costs. These make property investing more within anyone’s reach

Co-ownership Disputes Are Avoidable, Here’s How Continue

crossword customer loyalty

Try These Five Hacks to Create Loyal Followers Out of Typical Clients

Making even just a single customer loyal to your company or brand is hard enough, just imagine how harder it is building an entire community of customers with the same level of allegiance to your products or services. In fact, this has been a centuries-old problem that even the biggest businesses with multi-million budgets for

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