Planning the Future: Knowing What Happens to Your Digital Self When You Die

The Internet is a gift to mankind, and it has changed the way everyone has lived their lives. In this digital realm, you can talk to people from the other side of the globe real time. You can book a ride or reserve a table at a restaurant easily. You can freely express your thoughts and feelings without reservations (although a healthy dose of reservation works). When you are a user of a certain media platform or most of your transactions are happening online, you are actually making yourself part of it. What you say and share stay there forever. That is a huge amount of data that you have shared with it. The question is, “What will happen to your digital assets when you die?”

Much has been said about taking care of tangible assets and items when someone dies. But the inclusion of digital assets as a type of property has created a unique dilemma that needs to be addressed. Luckily, there are ways you and your loved ones can implement if you want to take care of your digital assets when you pass on. Once you have taken care of your funeral packages and will, here are some of the things that you can do to take care of your digital assets:

List all your online accounts

Your digital accounts are your online assets. Like what you do to other types of assets you own, you should collate them and check them regularly. Come up with a decision on which accounts to prioritize. For most people, their banking and credit card accounts are the first things they will take care of. Include social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and the like), e-mail, and entertainment sites (Netflix and Spotify) on your list. Your accounts in online photo boards and forums are among the things that you should also consider.

Write it in your will

person writing his last will and testamentWriting a comprehensive will is a must if you want to make sure that your family will be able to carry out your wishes and take care of your properties. However, writing a will also make sure that you will reduce the chances of causing family conflicts.

A lot of families often fight over the administration of properties when someone dies. But, when you are writing your will, do not forget to include who will take care of your social media accounts and other digital assets. If you think that this area is quite muddled yet, you can always consult an attorney with a background in digital asset management.

Activate your legacy settings

While you are still alive, you can execute your social media accounts’ legacy settings. Legacy settings allow your loved ones to take care of your accounts when you pass on. They can either memorialize or delete your pages. Conditions vary from one platform to the other.

Remember that digital assets are a property that you own. It stays online forever, and you need to come up with measures that will keep others from using and exploiting your data when you pass on. Some of these activities can be done while you are still well and alive.

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