Remember These 4 When Constructing During the Rainy Season

Building a house, or any other property for that matter, is always a huge task that you should focus and pour a lot of energy on. A lot of things can play a factor in building and constructing these properties, including the weather.

The rainy season is one of the most difficult weathers to face when it comes to construction, which is why you should see to it that you will follow what we will discuss below to make sure that your project will be a huge success. Whether you are using submersible drain pumps and other high-powered building tools or not, it is important to keep these pointers in mind.

Pay Attention to the Mixture

The humidity in the air is always high during the rainy season, and this can affect the cement mixture — including other types of mixtures, too. The aggregate and sand are usually wet during this season, which is why it is important to pay close attention to your mixture to make sure that it would not be too wet or moist. You can also try reducing the water to cement ratio by mixing suitable admixtures, but you have to inform your client first before doing so.

Time it Well

If the rain seems to be non-stop, then skip pouring the mixture for a few days. You should have at least 12 hours of completely dry weather before you can pour the concrete mixture out, as doing so when it is currently raining or when the rain has just passed will make the concrete moist and not adhere to the surface properly. You should also see to it that the wind is not that bad, as heavy winds may cause bleeding, which can then lead to shrinkage cracks eventually.

workers at a construction site

Keep it Covered

Needless to say, you should cover the area when construction is ongoing. Rainproof canvas and plastic tarpaulins will do the job when it comes to protecting your construction area from the rain and heavy winds.

Covering the area where the concrete is supposed to be poured is especially important, because like we said earlier, that area should always be dry for the concrete to adhere to it properly. You should also remember to cover the aggregate, as not doing so will make it wet or moist, which can mess up the water to cement ratio.

Inspect the Area

Make it a point to check the surroundings and the whole area after heavy rains and winds have passed. There may be a few damages caused by extreme weather, and it is a must to repair these damages as soon as possible. Conduct a scratch test to compare the surface scratch hardness of the areas that were affected by the slab sections that you know have good quality. If you want a thorough check, then take a few core samples and have them checked in a lab that is equipped with an electronic microscope.

Don’t wait around after you see damage on the property. Have it repaired by your men right away so the process will be faster and easier.

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