The Best Apps and Gadgets for Your Home

There’s an app for everything these days. There are apps for entertainment, and then there are apps that make our lives easier, be it at work or home. There are even apps that let you buy houses! Smart technology works in tandem with these apps. Smart gadgets and appliances pair with mobile apps so you can control your gadgets using your phone as a sort of universal remote.

Smart thermostat

Much of your home’s energy consumption goes towards heating and cooling. Installing a smart thermostat can help you cut back on those expenses. A smart thermostat pairs with applications on your mobile devices so that you can monitor and control the system remotely. You will also be able to program the thermostat to automatically change depending on schedules or outside temperatures. Smart technology adds real estate value to your home, so this will be a good investment in the long run.

Sunrise alarm clock

Lighting hues and brightness levels impact our mood, productivity, and general wellbeing. Light is part of what dictates our circadian rhythms, otherwise known as our biological clocks. If you’re having trouble sleeping these days – as many people are – consider trying a sunrise alarm clock. Apart from telling the time, they have a light system that mimics the sunset and sunrise to help ease you in and out of sleep. They also offer you a range of natural wake-up sounds – such as birds chirping, gentle ocean waves, and forest ambiance – to wake you in the gentlest and most relaxing way possible.

Robot cleaning devices

Robots are famously assigned the “dull, dirty, and dangerous” tasks. While cleaning isn’t generally a dangerous chore, it certainly falls under dull and dirty. Retail giants such as Walmart are known to have robots cleaning their floors, and now you can have the same kind of technology in your home. Depending on the kind of flooring you intend to use it for, you can have a robot vacuum cleaner or even a robot mop. These devices are perfect for when you have many other tasks to oversee at home or when you don’t want to clean up the mess yourself.

home interior


TapPainter is an app that lets you virtually paint on your wall. The app uses augmented reality (AR), so that all you have to do is take a picture of the wall you want to re-paint. Its user interface lets you choose between a range of many existing paint colors and apply it to your wall, so you can see how that room would look like with that particular color. If that’s not enough, the app also hosts a network of professional painters that you can hire to do your paint job – if you’re not one for D.I.Y. home projects.

Smart toothbrush

Kolibree’s Ara toothbrush is a toothbrush that uses artificial intelligence (AI). It links to a mobile app that tells you everything you need to know about your brushing habits and oral healthcare routine. The app collects data from the toothbrush about your brushing habits – whether you’re brushing too hard or not enough, and if you’re neglecting any teeth while you brush. The program is also great for the whole family as it has games and activities that encourage kids to practice healthy oral care habits.

Smart sprinkler system

Your garden and lawn are important factors in your home’s curb appeal, but they can be a chore to maintain. You have to water, weed, and fertilize, to name a few tasks. Any chance to make lawn and garden maintenance is a worthy investment in our book. The Eve Aqua Smart Water Controller makes being a plant parent so much easier. You can set your sprinklers to schedules so they can turn on and off by themselves. The system also works with Apple’s Siri, so you can ask Siri to turn your sprinklers on or off. It also tracks water consumption, so you’ll have an estimate of how much you’re going to pay at the end of the month.

There’s not a part of our everyday lives that isn’t in some way touched by the presence of technology. These apps and devices were made to help you with your tasks at home. From decorating to watering your lawn, your chores just got a whole lot simpler.

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