A Cozy Wait: Ways to Make Your Reception Area More Welcoming

First impressions last. As old as this adage is, it continues to ring true for businesses everywhere. You don’t want your clients to think twice about doing business with you because your office is topsy-turvy.

Your reception desk is your company’s front-line. As such, it’s responsible for all the first impressions your clients make about your workplace. If you noticed that clients are leaving before you even meet them, your reception area might be part of the cause. Consider these tips to improve your reception area.

Green It Up

Even if some of your clients grew up in the concrete jungles of Melbourne and Sydney, everyone is always drawn to nature. Indoor plants are a great way to give your reception area a clean and natural look. Apart from their aesthetic advantages, they may also improve your clients’ perception of your office.

According to a study by the University of Technology Sydney, indoor plants significantly improve the indoor air quality of a room. Their report, entitled “Indoor Plants Work,” showed that greens reduce air pollutants like nitrogen, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and sulphur oxides. It cited a survey that found that workplace plants give the company an image that is trustworthy, stable, warm and caring. Better Homes and Gardens recommends Mass Cane for people who are just starting out in their indoor plant journey. It has beautiful silky stems and it’s fairly low maintenance since you only need to water it once a week.

Natural Light All the Waymodern office lobby with comfy couches

Apart from giving your plants the nutrients they need, natural light may also improve the mood and overall wellbeing of the people in your reception area. An article by the Australian Human Resources Institute about the benefits of having a natural workplace cited local and foreign studies that show the importance of natural light on the health and productivity of office workers. One of them says that people feel less tired and had better relationships with people at work when they’re constantly exposed to natural light. Open your blinds up a bit and let some sun in. Your visitors will definitely appreciate the warmth.

Get More Comfortable Furniture

You don’t want your guests to wait for an appointment while sitting on a sinking couch or a hard bench. Upgrade your commercial furniture to ones with sleek designs. Skip the leather and stick with materials like wool and wool blends. They’re breathable and easier to clean. To compliment your plants, use a wooden table as your centrepiece. While they may be pricey, their durability is unmatched. Pair this with free WiFi and your visitors will feel right at home.

Upgrade Your Check-in Process

Presenting your visitors with a logbook that’s larger than their face should be a thing of the past. Technology has led the way to apps that allow check-ins with just a few taps on an iPad. Programs like Greetly and The Receptionist allow you to send invitation emails to clients with secure login credentials they can use once they get to your waiting area.

Your reception area is the face of your company. Apart from hiring a kind and charismatic receptionist, you should also spruce up the place with natural ornaments and cozy seating. When your clients are comfortable in your reception area, they won’t even notice the wait.

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